China: National Energy Administration Calls for "Energy Internet" Pilot Project Proposals

25 августа 2016 г.

In order to encourage development and innovation in the Chinese “Energy Internet,” the National Energy Administration is calling for pilot project proposals to participate in this program. Applications should be prepared in accordance with the appropriate regional governing body and submitted to the National Energy Administration.  Each province, autonomous region, and or provincial level city will not exceed 5 projects each.   

The National Energy Administration is calling for project proposals that fall into two main categories:

1)      Integrated Energy Internet Pilot Demonstrations:

a.       Zone-level projects. For projects in economic development zones andindustrial parks constructed as clean energy hubs (using natural gas-powered combined cooling, heat, and power (CCHP); PV; wind energy; etc.).

b.      City-level projects. For city-wide projects aimed at integrating multiple types of renewable energy, constructing smart grids and EV charging stations, as well as implementing low-carbon construction methods and low-carbon public transportation.

c.       Regional-level projects. For regional projects geared at exploring methods of transmitting energy produced in one region for use in another. These projects aim to lower wind, water, and solar curtailment rates.

2)      Innovative Model Pilot Demonstrations: (for projects with each of the following as they relate to the “Energy Internet”)

a.       Electric vehicles

b.      Flexible resources

c.       Smart-use of resources

d.      Flexible green markets

e.      Industry-fusion



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